Augmented Polycultures

Installation for bioremediation for the Water Pressure exhibition, Hamburg
The installation for the Museum of Arts and Crafts (MK&G) in Hamburg focuses on the remediation of greywater and surface run-off for a future Biocene House. The structure is proposed as a means of decentralised remediation of a complex mix of surfactants, phosphates, heavy metals and other organic molecules.

Previous work has shown that even challenging and toxic compounds can be degraded using consortia of algae and bacteria working in partnership and exchanging nutrients to form a stable autonomous system. Biofilms are emergent assemblages of algae and bacteria, that have important roles in nutrient cycles and remediation of pollutants.

We have also been working on ceramic systems with more control over porosity and using morphology and glazing to explore bioreceptivity, and control where growth happens. Through computational design and advanced manufacturing we create a water recirculating mechanisms that promotes the growth of microbial communities, enhancing the acceptability of such potentially abject conditions in heterogenous biomes.

The design of the ceramic tile-bricks that form the main bioremediation body aimed at creating a three-dimensional infolding geometry in which striated non-planar extrusion paths as well as additionally crevices increased the residency time and micro-environmental conditions for the the algae consortia to grow.

The overall flow of water and its residence time is defined by the material porosity of the sand glazed and non-glazed ceramics and the surface morphology with its inner circulation channels.

A quintessential part of the Augmented Polycultures structure is the cistern that hosts a water reservoir as well as a submerged pump that feeds the top outlet. The shape of the cistern, initially integrated in a plinth, was done considering the amount of water it had to cointain, as well as the relationship between the upper and lower parts of the structure. The pattern of the cistern's top surface was created with an inclination and geometry to substantially slow down the water run-off.

The design and manufacturing of the cistern was led by Nina Jontanović in Belgrade, Serbia. Due to the sheer size of cistern the process had to be subdivided into a two-part slip cast with laylor-made plaster moulds for for each component.

Team: Brenda Parker, Marcos Cruz, Nina Jotanović
Robotic ceramic extrusions: Yao Yao Meng, Guillem Perutxet Olesti, Pradeep Devadass
Computational design: Tony Le
Collaboration (robotic extrusions): Yifan Shi
Ceramic slipcast (Belgrade): Nina Jotanović with Dejan Petrović at Stari Zanat
UCL B-Made support: Hamish Veitch, Claudia Toma, Alice Foxen, Mark Burrows
Sponsorship: EPSRC VaxHub Sustainable , University College London
Location: Museum of Arts and Crafts / Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe, Hamburg
Year: 2024